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Make sure you carefully read all of the pre-care instructions prior to coming to the appointment.

Your lips cannot be dry for the appointment.  If they are dry we will need to reschedule and you will forfeit your deposit.  You may exfoliate 3 days before your appointment to remove any dry skin.  You can use a lip scrub or create your own using a little honey and brown sugar.  For the week leading up to the appointment you must moisturize your lips as much as possible (I recommend using aquaphor).


Cold sores are a risk of lip blush tattoo.  If you have had a cold sore in the past- we advise you to go to the doctor for an anti-viral medication prior to any lip procedure, to help avoid an outbreak.  Even if you have not had a cold sore before- I recommend all of my clients take L-lysine 2 weeks before the appointment and 2 weeks following the appointment to reduce the risk.  


DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL OR CAFFEINE before the procedure (at least 24 hours for alcohol) : it will affect your pigmentation and your skin's sensitivity, thus may hurt more. 


DO NOT TAKE ADVIL or other blood thinners such as Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary (48- 72 hours prior to your procedure). Extra strength Tylenol can be taken if you have a low pain tolerance. 


If you have recently tanned this will affect the outcome of the healed color. 


If you've had laser removal of previous work done by someone else, the treated area now has more scar tissue and can affect the outcome of the result. More treatments may be necessary to have the skin take the color. 


Botox should be done at least 2 weeks before or after the procedure. 


Avoid exercising the day of procedure as this will open up the pores. 


Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle. 




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